STUDENTS DEVELOP A LOVE OF LEARNING THROUGH ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE • Personalized classroom interaction helps students develop enhanced communication, listening, and problem solving skills • The curriculum is balanced, inclusive, and academically challenging • Classes offer technology integration and a myriad of extra curricular opportunities to help our students find their passions • Catholic School students are ambitious scholars who are prepared for college, career, and heaven • Specialized learning programs such as STEM, Dual Language Immersion, Blended Learning, and more help students adapt and innovate to the challenges of the future DID YOU KNOW: Students in Catholic and other private schools demonstrate higher academic achievement than students from similar backgrounds in public schools (Coleman & Hoffer, 1987; Coleman, Hoffer, & Kilgore, 1982; Greeley, 1982; Sander, 1996)
Please review these resources to help prepare you for day to day activity of our school. With great care and the blessing of God we will enjoy our school days and stay healthy
Thank you for taking the time to consider investing in our students! Your sponsorship through our Adopt a Saint donation program helps us to serve all students who join our school community by helping bridge the gaps between what families can afford and the revenue generated by full tuition payments. Your generosity can help us to alleviate the revenue shortfall created when someone cannot afford tuition on their own. This in turn helps us become more financially stable and continue our mission to educate students. La Purisima Concepcion Catholic School strives to instill a love of learning and support character growth rooted in the Gospel in order to help create a better world for the future. Please contact the school office at 805-736-6210 if you are interested. ¡Gracias por tomarse el tiempo para considerar invertir en nuestros estudiantes! Su patrocinio a través de nuestro programa de donaciones Adopt a Saint nos ayuda a servir a todos los estudiantes que se unen a nuestra comunidad escolar al ayudar a cerrar las brechas entre lo que las familias pueden pagar y los ingresos generados por el pago total de la matrícula. Su generosidad puede ayudarnos a aliviar el déficit de ingresos creado cuando alguien no puede pagar la matrícula por su cuenta. Esto, a su vez, nos ayuda a ser más estables financieramente y a continuar nuestra misión de educar a los estudiantes. La Escuela Católica La Purísima Concepción se esfuerza por inculcar el amor por el aprendizaje y apoyar el crecimiento del carácter arraigado en el Evangelio para ayudar a crear un mundo mejor para el futuro. Comuníquese con la oficina de la escuela al 805-736-6210 si está interesado.